Those that have trouble connecting to MP need to forward these ports in ya router.
Application: CODMW2 External port: 1500 Internal port: 1500 Protocol: UDP
Application: CODMW2A External port: 3005 Internal port: 3005 Protocol: UDP
Application: CODMW2B External port: 3101 Internal port: 3101 Protocol: UDP
Application: CODMW2C External port: 28960 Internal port: 28960 Protocol: UDP
Application: CODMW2D External port: 27015 Internal port: 27015 Protocol: TCP
and for STEAM also:
Application: STEAM Port range: 27014 - 27050 Protocol: TCP (Steam downloads)
Application: STEAM1 Port range: 27000 - 27030 Protocol: UDP (Game client traffic, Matchmaking and HLTV)
After you open the ports in the lobby you should have NAT type as "open"
If its "strict" you have done it wrong!!