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 What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?

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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 6:09 pm

The following is what PB had been up to over the previous 12 months on AusServerFTW when it had been running.

Put to one side and ignore the reason PB has currently been disabled = No PB Master Server Support = Lots of seemingly innocent people being kicked as they are unable to automatically update PB and are either unwilling or unable to update manually = Too hard basket for many Admins globally, even though there is actually a little known solution.

This may provide a hint of enlightenment to those who continue to play now that PB has been disabled/removed from the server as to why some players at times seem so much better than everyone else.

Yes, you all should know that there is small contingent players including a few former FTW and AoS members still playing Crysis to this day who you likley have met or know quite well who have been playing Crysis for a very long time that have been detected by PB for these files in the previous 12 months, and are quite likley doing it once again,
Players that in previous days as an FTW Admin, I as many other former FTW Admins and long standing community members would have almost died laughing at you for accusing them of being a Hacker.

Their names will remain annonamous for the time being, they know who they are as do I and I will not be joining if they are in the server and I will promptly leave if they do happen to join.

The following list of files are files that PB has detected players as having modified in some way be it intentionally or accidentally, clearly in some cases they have been modified for the purpose of advantage, in other cases there is clearly little to no advantage in modifying these files, you can decide for yourselves which is which... Those who know how the Crysis hacks work and it seems there are quite a number of you who do, will probably get a little giggle out of some of the EPIC FAIL HACKS other people have attempted and been busted for.

To Start off some fairly generic looking files, that don't really give an indication of whats been going on, Something is suspicious but what ? PB didn't like it whatever it was, Just another PB stuff up ? or something a little more sneaky going on?

file was game/lowspec/lowspec.pak
file was game/music.pak
file was game/sounds.pak
file was game/textures.pak
file was game/objects.pak
file was game/shaders.pak
file was game/animations.pak
file was game/gamedata.pak
file was game/animations/
file was bin32/cryscriptsystem.dll
file was bin32/cryrenderd3d9.dll
file was bin32/cryrenderd3d10.dll
file was bin32/crynetwork.dll
file was bin32/cryentitysystem.dll

Now on to someone who evidently does not like the music in Crysis and would prefer their own selection, Unfortunatly for this person PB disagrees with their selection and inherently chews them over and spits them out of the server.

file was game/music/levels/sphere/river_battle_3_main_orch.ogg
file was game/music/levels/rescue/rescue_boat_3_end.ogg
file was game/music/levels/incidentals/swamp_inc_1.ogg
file was game/music/levels/incidentals/swamp_inc_2.ogg
file was game/music/levels/tank/tank_openvalley_3_end.ogg
file was game/music/levels/resolution/resolution1.ogg
file was game/music/levels/airfield/airfield_battle_3_drums_end.ogg
file was game/music/levels/sphere/alien_jungle_3_main.ogg
file was game/music/levels/mine/mine_fight_1_inc3.ogg
file was game/music/levels/storage/storage_entry_incidental_1.ogg

The few players affected by a sudden identity crisis that felt the need to look a little different.
A few more like this and they'll be ready to start singing the YMCA song, yellow hard hat anyone ?

file was game/animations/human/facial/setup/prophet_morphs.fsq
file was game/objects/characters/heads/story/johanson/
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/deck_handler/

Now on to some rather suspicious looking activity that should be of concern for anyone looking for a fair game.

file was game/libs/materialeffects/flowgraphs/suit_cloakmode.xml
file was game/libs/materialeffects/flowgraphs/suit_strengthmode.xml
file was game/libs/materialeffects/flowgraphs/suit_speedmode.xml

file was game/scripts/entities/ai/shared/basicai.lua
file was game/scripts/entities/actor/basicactor.lua
file was game/scripts/entities/actor/player.lua
file was game/objects/characters/human/

The US Nanosuit

file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_us.mtl
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_us_helmet.mtl
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_us_helmet_strength.mtl
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_us_helmet_cloak.mtl
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_helm
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_helm
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_helm_goggle_up.cgf
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/

The NK Nanosuit

file was game/objects/characters/human/asian/nanosuit/nanosuit_asian_fp3p.chr
file was game/objects/characters/human/asian/nanosuit/nanosuit_asian_upper_kyong.chr
file was game/objects/characters/human/asian/nanosuit/nanosuit_asian_helmet.mtl
file was game/objects/characters/human/asian/nanosuit/asian_01_eyes_lod2.chr
file was game/objects/characters/human/us/nanosuit/nanosuit_helm_mask.mtl
file was game/objects/characters/human/asian/nanosuit/nanosuit_asian_helmet.mtl

The Weapons and Ammo

file was game/libs/particles/weapon_fx.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/physics/explosion.lua
file was game/objects/weapons/us/smg/smg.mtl
file was game/objects/weapons/us/scar/new_scar_tp.mtl
file was game/objects/weapons/us/smoke grenade/
file was game/objects/weapons/attachments/magazine_rifle/textures/
file was game/libs/particles/muzzleflash.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/radarkit.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/fists.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/offhand.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/socom.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/ay69.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/smg.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/shotgun.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/scar.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/scartutorial.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/gaussrifle.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/dsg1.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/fy71.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/law.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/c4.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/fgl40.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/hurricane.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/shiten.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/alienmount.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/accessories/fy71normalammo.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/accessories/lamflashlight.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/accessories/sniperscope.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/bullet.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/explosivegrenade.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/avexplosive.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/scargrenade.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/sniperbullet.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/bunkerbuster.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/50bullet.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/shotgunshell.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/alienmount_acmo.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/heavyacmo.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/tacbullet.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/turretacmo.xml

The Vehicles and Ammo

file was game/scripts/entities/vehicles/implementations/xml/asian_tank.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/vehicles/implementations/xml/civ_car1.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/ustankcannon.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/gaussaaa.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/vehicleusmachinegun.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/hovercraftgun.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/exocet.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/vehiclemoarmounted.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/vehicleshitenv2.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/hellfire.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/taccannon.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/autoaa.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/vehicles/asiancoaxialgun.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/vehicles/implementations/xml/asian_ltv.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/vehicles/implementations/xml/us_apc.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/vehicles/implementations/xml/asian_tank.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/vehicles/tank125.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/vehicles/gausstankbullet.xml
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/vehicles/tank30.xml
file was game/objects/vehicles/us_apc/us_apc_damaged.cga
file was game/objects/vehicles/asian_helicopter/asian_helicopter_us.mtl
file was game/objects/vehicles/asian_helicopter/
file was game/objects/vehicles/asian_helicopter/asian_helicopter_us.mtl
file was game/objects/vehicles/us_vtol/
file was game/objects/vehicles/us_vtol/hull_debris_10.cgf

And If the hacking stains are not having enough fun yet, here's an idea, time to rape the opposing team in their Uncappable spawn inside the enemy kill zone.

file was game/scripts/entities/multiplayer/hq.lua
file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/autoturretaa.xml

And now back to some examples of less suspicious looking files that could still have been used in such a way as to provide advantage on specific levels or in specific situations, however it is entirely possible in many cases that these files have been accidentially modified while playing with the Crysis editor.

file was game/objects/library/architecture/multiplayer/probs/energy_extractor/
file was game/objects/library/barriers/fence/
file was game/textures/terrain/rock_grey.bmp
file was game/sounds/environment/environment_soundspots_streamed.fsb
file was game/objects/library/architecture/multiplayer/naval_factory/
file was game/libs/entityarchetypes/squad_mates.xml
file was game/objects/library/barriers/roadblock/concrete_barrier_white.mtl
file was game/objects/library/architecture/aircraftcarrier/landing_wires.cgf
file was game/objects/library/alien/ship_exterior/snow_tmp.mtl
file was game/objects/library/architecture/tunnel/train_tunnel_50m.cgf
file was game/objects/library/architecture/aircraftcarrier/textures/decals/
file was game/objects/library/architecture/submarine/deluca_submarine_exterior/hull_ext_3_mp_bottomroom.cgf
file was game/objects/vehicles/us_vtol/hull_debris_10.cgf
file was game/objects/library/alien/props/storage_room/fear_extraction_machine_egg_lod2.cgf
file was game/objects/library/architecture/airfield/air_control_tower/control_tower_b.cgf
file was game/objects/library/architecture/mobile_camp_structures/hospital_elements/bed.cgf
file was game/textures/alien_level_texture/
file was game/objects/library/props/school/picture_f.cgf
file was game/objects/library/props/signs/advertising_sign_c.mtl
file was game/objects/library/props/pipes/alienpowerpipe_5m.cgf
file was game/objects/library/architecture/bridges/small_wooden_bridge/predestian_bridge_destroyable_large.cgf
file was game/objects/vehicles/kuanti/kuanti_xl.cgf
file was game/objects/library/props/pipes/alienpowerpipe_corner20r.cgf
file was game/objects/library/props/school/table.mtl
file was game/objects/library/props/signs/de_zone.mtl
file was game/objects/library/props/scientific/crytotank_lod1.cgf
file was game/textures/terrain/canyon/
file was game/objects/library/alien/generic_elements/tentacles/tentacle_eggprocessing_curve2.cgf
file was game/objects/library/lights/fluorecent_light2.cgf
file was game/objects/library/alien/alien_mountain/amountain_island.cgf
file was game/textures/terrain/decals/
file was game/textures/terrain/decals/
file was game/objects/library/alien/alien_mountain/amountain_ice_ship.cgf
file was game/objects/library/alien/alien_mountain/amountain_island_ship.cgf
file was game/objects/library/alien/alien_mountain/amountain_ice_terrain.cgf
file was game/objects/library/alien/alien_mountain/amountain_island_lowbudget.cgf
file was game/objects/vehicles/f35crashed/
file was game/objects/library/storage/crates/container/container_green.mtl
file was game/objects/library/alien/props/storage_room/fear_extraction_machine_door_closed.anm
file was game/objects/library/furniture/chairs/cafe_chair_frozen.cgf
file was game/objects/natural/rocks/cliff_rocks/cliff_rock_b_big.cgf
file was game/objects/natural/ground_plants/grass/
file was game/textures/terrain/plains_grass_pattern02.bmp
file was game/textures/brdf/gold_m2-cube_h_face2.tga
file was game/textures/defaults/cube_gloss.tga
file was game/objects/library/architecture/aircraftcarrier/lift2.cgf
file was game/objects/library/vehicles/rail_trailer/train_1_wagon_3.cga
file was game/objects/natural/ice/ice_tunnel_05.cgf
file was game/objects/library/architecture/airfield/lights/approach_light.mtl
file was game/objects/library/barriers/guardrail/guardrail_end.cgf
file was game/objects/library/architecture/two_storey_restaurant/
file was game/objects/natural/ice/ice_tunnelplates_05_lod1.cgf
file was game/objects/library/props/scientific/microscope_large_lod1.cgf
file was game/textures/cubemaps/
file was game/animations/human/male/cinematics/fleet/ab9/cinefleet_ab9_morrisondeathpart1_01.caf

A side note for players who may have accidentially modified their files in some way,
The offending file name will generally not be shown in the players local game.log file, it will just have a generic looking client hash mismatch error message, that looks just like the normal client hash mismatch error that many players experience when PB has a brain fart and crapps itself, you will need a knowledgeable Server Admin of a PB enabled server to locate the offending file/s path information held on the server in most cases in order to resolve the issue if it persists, It is a major pain in the backside to find it untill you know where to look and what to look for and how to decode it, so should any Admin take the time to find and resolve what is essentially your problem, consider finding some way to show your appreciation to them.

Wow thats a bloody long post now and thats not even everything that PB picked up since January 2010.
Just the most common ones.
Public Information Post Ended.
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyTue Feb 08, 2011 10:58 pm

file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/shiten.xml

Fear the shit cannon?
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 1:57 am

that's a nice looking SCAR there wounded.
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 2:03 am

skin mods where cool Very Happy

What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? ScarskinWhat did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? SnipskinWhat did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Snipskin2

is there a way that you can rediect the PB download to a dropbox or something like that....
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 2:17 am

you better unlock these cry2 weapons for me to skin tulzer

What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? ScreenShot0251
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 2:18 am

np Very Happy....i'll do it with the demo Very Happy

epic jealous
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 3:08 am

i like how wounded used a pic of him RAPING boots to show his
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 3:23 am

Tulzer wrote:
np Very Happy....i'll do it with the demo Very Happy

epic jealous

So it is possible ay
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 6:20 am

Wounded this has almost nothing to do with you, except for the fact that you are the current active Admin on the server. What may be of interest to you however is that all the time/date stamps, user names, GUID's, gamespy profile ID's, IP addresses, etc are all recorded in relation to each offending file, which would no doubt be of use to you if you so chose to use that information.

I'm sure even you would be quite unpleasantly surprised by some of the well known names that have turned up in the list, including now former FTW and AoS members playing with their clan tags on and the type of mods they were using, I can tell you it wasn't a simple almost harmless weapon skin, or a different colored laser, they were modded files used to give a clear and obvious advantage by players who are already well and truely good enough to have no such need.

If this was intended to be a dig at you Wounded I would have blatantly stated it as I have done previously.

This was put up in response to the stains that continue to ruin whats left of the game, and were continuing to do so last night, and have been doing so ever since PB was turned off.

@ Tulzer RE: PB, Yes Tulz something like that, I'm surprised you havent already worked it out.
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 6:53 am

it hasn't been on my mind (the pb thing)....i just take the bullshit and keep playing....its a bit of karma for what i've done in the past
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 7:03 am

I am on that list as is wounded lol and anyone else that had a custom we were using our Skar skins after a patch and then we started getting kicked.....easy fix was to put the skin back to stock! No biggy Smile
I think the point Troppo is trying to put out there is that there are MANY different types of things pb picks up, some are harmless like a custom gun skin, others as you would expect are done to cheat and have an advantage ingame.
As Wounded said its not long before the demo and full game are we should all be looking forward and concentrating on making it as fun as the previous 2 games were Smile
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 7:06 am

TraeliumFTW wrote:
you better unlock these cry2 weapons for me to skin tulzer

What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? ScreenShot0251


man i loved those skins......

Thats one thing i liked about BO was the weapon and soldier customization.
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 8:20 am

I've played with about 90% of the player's that currently play atm. some have improved a little and then other's are still the same. from my standpoint, there's yet a person to play against that I think is using a modded file to their advantage, but that's just me I guess :/
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 9:40 am

Gone_TroppoFTW wrote:
I'm sure even you would be quite unpleasantly surprised by some of the well known names that have turned up in the list, including now former FTW and AoS members playing with their clan tags on and the type of mods they were using, I can tell you it wasn't a simple almost harmless weapon skin, or a different colored laser, they were modded files used to give a clear and obvious advantage by players who are already well and truely good enough to have no such need..
This is so stupid. Why don't you go ahead and surprise us Troppo. Because it will just be more PB spam?
Aren't hackers meant to be reported right away, we'd all like to know.
If you have proof then what is stopping you. You once kicked me (not knowing who I was) for "hacking" just because you "seemed to think I was" so I wonder on what grounds you think people are this time, I'd like to know. Until then please stop basically accusing lots of the genuinely good players of being hackers.
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Senior FTW Member

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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 1:35 pm

Ha Ha funnily enough Ava these two at least, belong to you one under Avalost the other under another name, STORM I think it was, using the same gamespy ID as Avalost.

file was game/textures/cubemaps/
file was game/animations/human/male/cinematics/fleet/ab9/cinefleet_ab9_morrisondeathpart1_01.caf

To answer your question "Aren't hackers meant to be reported right away, we'd all like to know."
This is largely dependant on if the server in question is streaming the bans to PB or not, this applies to most servers running PB regardless of the game in question.

In the specific case of AusServer when PB was running this was not the case, so as such any PB bans were only ever effected on AusServer and not sent on to PB for Global Banning.

There are good reasons for this being the case,
Such as instances where a player like yourself who has been detected for what is seemingly an accidental file modification, it is rather unfair that you would have recieved a global ban had the server been streaming to PB at the time.

When an Admin could have investigated what the offending file was had they known where to look, seen clearly that the file/s that had been modified were of no real consequence or provided any advantage, and could easily have unbanned you, and perhaps even informed you as to which the offending file was and provided you with a replacement file or at least given you the information you would need to resolve the issue once the ban had been lifted from the bans list.

Another such good reason was that many high pingers who would repetedly enter the server in an attempt to lag the server or try to use the lag to their advantage in some way, like getting into a VTOL and warping around were banned, people with a ping above 350 - 400 that we would rather have out of the server in favour of a local player being able to play, these people too would have received a global ban had AusServer been streaming to PB.
Again it is hardly fair that such a player would be banned globally just for playing on what to them would have been a high ping server without actually cheating in any way.

Now to answer your next question "If you have proof then what is stopping you."
PB has dropped its support for Crysis and Crysis Wars as I'm sure you are well aware this means that there will be no further PB updates issued for Crysis Wars and consequently there is currently no PB bans streaming feature available.

Had you bothered to read and understand the original post you would be aware that I am not accusing large numbers of genuinely good players of being hackers, in fact quite the opposite, "there is small contingent players including a few former FTW and AoS members still playing Crysis to this day who you likley have met or know quite well who have been playing Crysis for a very long time that have been detected by PB for these files in the previous 12 months"

By former FTW members I do not specifically mean you Wounded, just to clarify i know it can be a bit confusing, but there are others who are considered former FTW members, and a couple of them are on the list, for you to assume that I was directing this post toward you or your ability as an Admin or any suggestion toward a lack there of, would suggest a touch of self centredness.

By former AoS members I did not specifically mean you Avalost though you are undeniably on the list along with at least one other.

There are also a small number of players who either do not wear clan tags or were not in a clan or are in a clan that I have not previously listed such as SYG, TAG, ODC, RPL etc.
Every file listed came from at least one player and in some cases as many as a dozen different players or more.

@ Syler, You may have been fortunate enough to not come across any of these players, with their invisible torso, or the guy in strength mode who can run/teleport over short distances faster than you can sprint in speed mode with full suit energy

Again @ Wounded, RE: so instead of going to the admin section and giving the names of the players last night...
Would you have even bothered to act on the information considering that some of these players are ones you know reasonably well and quite likley trust to not be a hacker as I too once did with some of them, or would you have just dismissed it as more PB related spam from Troppo like Ava has done.
I refer you to the first line in your first post in this thread QUOTE "Still going on about PB huh."
I think the latter is far more likley given the above statement.
However if you were serious about removing these players who are known to be highly suspicious and keeping them off the server, it wouldn't have been hard for you to copy and paste their details appropriately into the current banning system when you removed PB.
At this point I could also suggest that the real reason PB is disabled is not related to any difficulty PB had been causing, it could be in fact, disabled so as Wounded and his buddies can use their cool modded weapon skins, given the first post you made in this thread Wounded it would not be an unreasonable assumption to suggest such a thing even though I believe it would be highly unlikley this is the case, it is entirely possible.

In all honesty in some cases it is about as funny as some random noob joining and accusing someone like Quacks or ARNY or Cosmic of being a hacker on AusServerFTW, pretty much everyone on the server would almost die from the resulting laughter as would those who heard about it happening.

Yes I have seen several people using them in the past few weeks since PB has been off, and I have some 40-ish hours racked up on crysis wars over the past 2 months, though you may not have seen me playing at the same times you have been on I have actually been around a bit.

For me to find out only recently that some of these so called "Trusted" players were in fact and in all likleyhood are still currently using these hacks really annoys me.
They have abused the Trust that had been extended to them not only by people such as myself and the rest of the FTW Admin team as a whole, they have also abused the trust of every individual player who plays on the AusServerFTW in the knowlege that it is a place where hackers are (or at least were previously) not tolerated.
These players are still out there and a small number of them are still regularly playing on AusServerFTW.

The playing public has a right to know the ugly truth that these players are still there, and so long as the server continues to be badged as the FTW server it reflects upon our clan as to these people being knowingly allowed to continue to play and subsequently continuing to cheat.
Largely most FTW members can not do anything about anyone misbehaving or hacking in the server, apart from continuing to provide the forum on which to contact Wounded who can do something about it if he feels like it.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 1:51 pm

Ok...raise your hand if you modified more than just a simple texture for your weapons...

I never modded SHIT couldnt be fucked with it...closest to modding I got was turning on low graphics settings.

lol Tulzer...this is a definite so wont waste any time there.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 1:54 pm

He's making a list, hes checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice lol

Seriously, trusted players actually using hacks would annoy me a hell of a lot too, but I don't see anything other than PB having little fits. I too, have never modified a thing. If the playing public has a right to see this ugly truth of some players then why aren't you showing us the actual proof of who is hacking???? That's also what I meant about hackers being reported right away; to the general public by admins, which you aren't really doing with all this talk.

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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 4:03 pm

.....hacking makes a game boring....its really no fun....a game is only fun if its challenging....without unbalanced issues....otherwise there is no point in playing imo
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 8:21 pm

Well this is kinda what the shit list looks like, I have removed the GUID, IP address, profile ID and the player name, Anyone care to go through well over 200 pages of the shit in just one of the files to seperate all the general PB failures to show ONLY the actual VIOLATIONS and reformat it into a somewhat readable form as I have done here with a small sample, because there are literally thousands upon thousands of entries that look like this.

Everyone who has ever had PB shit itself or actually detect something of concern will have an entry just like this one showing the following details for every single time they tried to connect.

[] Type of violation #Violation code: PLAYER NAME (slot #)
Actual violation details [32 DIGIT GUID (-) IP ADDRESS]

I'm guessing Wounded is talking about these kind of "direct violations" which have assigned to them the #101 + #9001 (PB violation codes) as opposed to the other types of violations listed below.
Clearly PB is not going to issue a global ban for a #101 however it may well have issued one for a #9001.
I guess no one will ever know now as he has made it perfectly clear that he will not be responding further.

[03.12.2010 00:55:09] VIOLATION (COMFAIL) #101: Gone_Troppo (slot #5) General PB Client Authentication Failure - Reinstall PB if problem persists [32 DIGIT GUID REMOVED (-) IP ADDRESS REMOVED]

There are still enough of these types of Violations to be concerned about.

[07.16.2010 18:15:58] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: NAME REMOVED (slot #2) Cvar e_cull_veg_activation = 0 [32 DIGIT GUID REMOVED (-) IP ADDRESS REMOVED]

[06.28.2010 19:19:10] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: NAME REMOVED (slot #4) Cvar r_waterreflections = 0 [32 DIGIT GUID REMOVED (-) IP ADDRESS REMOVED]

These other types of Violations below are generated from either SSM or Pheonix, Not PB as you can clearly see for yourself the slight differences and the absence of the PB violation codes.
They were NOT set to kick or ban people only to log the event so as any Admin could check and see if there was an issue that needed to be addressed and whether or not the files were of any concern.

[09.23.2010 21:29:24] Violation Reported by External Tool [Client hash mismatch from IP ADDRESS REMOVED (profileid=REMOVED); file was game/scripts/entities/vehicles/implementations/xml/us_apc.xml] for slot#14 "NAME REMOVED"

[09.23.2010 21:31:13] Violation Reported by External Tool [Client hash mismatch from IP ADDRESS REMOVED (profileid=REMOVED); file was game/scripts/entities/multiplayer/hq.lua] for slot#16 "NAME REMOVED"

[09.23.2010 21:32:04] Violation Reported by External Tool [Client hash mismatch from IP ADDRESS REMOVED (profileid=REMOVED); file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/ammo/vehicles/tank30.xml] for slot#16 "NAME REMOVED"

[09.23.2010 21:40:20] Violation Reported by External Tool [Client hash mismatch from IP ADDRESS REMOVED (profileid=REMOVED); file was game/scripts/entities/items/xml/weapons/scar.xml] for slot#14 "NAME REMOVED"

As I have previously alluded to most of these type of Violations were repetedly and consistantly generated by a small number of players, many of whom were already considered suspicious or known hackers, some of whom none of us would ever expect to be a hacker.
Where the players are seemingly falsely detected it is a once off or as Wounded stated different files on each connection attempt, not the same group of four or more files as listed above that this particular player is detected for every single time they try to connect to the server after they have most probably been hacking on their own server or on other servers.

Yes it is MY opinion that PB should be turned back on and I have already persued that adgenda as far as I possibly can, even going so far as to create and test not one but two possible work arounds to allow PB to operate without players experiencing the problems that they had been experiencing.
I had even started to document all the changes that the server Admins globally would need to be able to achieve this on their own servers, and started putting together the exact file packages and possible list of changes that some players would potentially have to do if they still needed for any unforseen reason to manually update PB.

This work was all brought to a grinding halt single handedly by Wounded who had already decided without consulting a single FTW member that I am aware of, that PB should be turned off on what was OUR server so more people could play, as many innocent players were simply unable to play due to the PB problem, and practically no FTW members were playing anyway.

Now after I had discovered this was the case and said "fuck that" and went ahead and turned PB back on, Wounded decided that in order to stop me from being able to just turn PB back on he would completely delete all the PB associated files from the server, to which I responded by just simply putting them back on again from my backups, all the while continuing to work out how to make PB work in the current environment and even though I eventually came up with some initial fixes that weren't without their flaws but went a large way toward fixing the problem, Wounded didn't like that idea much either, so to be 100% sure that I couldn't turn PB back on again Wounded went ahead and had the server host change the access passwords, again without bothering to consult any FTW member that I am aware of, and giving the FTW Admins seemingly dodgey instructions on how to administer the server without PB all the while insisting that it does work, instructions that still to this day I am yet to hear of any FTW Admin being able to actually use in any sense to issue any type of command, leaving Wounded as the sole Admin for the FTW server, though the PB Problem was still in my mind at the time I continued to find a way to solve the problem and eventually found how to do it, it can be done.

All of these events and Wounded's apparent disposition to disable PB at any cost lead to me handing back all Admin responsibilities associated with the FTW server, Clearly Wounded and I will never agree on the issue of PB.
Now because for one and in fact the main reason, I am rather annoyed with Wounded in regard to PB and the nature of our disagreement, I will no longer be completing or publishing the documentation detailing the changes required by Admins or Players, the second reason is because there is a perception amongst the community that in a very short time there wont be any Crysis Wars servers still be up and running, so why bother, and finally the third reason is pretty much the last nail in the coffin for all the PB fixes I had developed, it is that very recently I had a Worm, Trojan and 3 back door programs that managed to get onto my PC and quite a considerable amount of the files and documentation was infected and lost during the removal process.

As to furthering my so called "PB should be turned on" cause, I feel I have already done everything I could have possibly have done toward that adgenda.

So that leaves only one question for me at this point .... Who want's to see the shit list ???
Be warned I am not going to format it if I do decide to post it and its fucking shitloads longer than the Crysis2 where the fuck is it thread. Well maybe just parts of it anyway.

Yes Wounded I know .... you think I'm a wanker or something like that it's the kind of thing I know you would be saying right about now if not as soon as you had seen this thread and all reality quite possibly for much much longer than that, long before we ever came head to head on the PB issue.
No need for you to bother to respond I have already done it for you as you clearly don't want to.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 09, 2011 11:15 pm

Gone_TroppoFTW wrote:
that PB should be turned off on what was OUR server so more people could play, as many innocent players were simply unable to play due to the PB problem, and practically no FTW members were playing anyway.
This is the most logical part of your whole posts, it's the very SIMPLE reason that PB was trialed being turned off and resulted in a boost in players right away, and you only seem illogical for being against it.
I understand that it's FTW's server and am very gratetful to you and all who helped bring it around and keep it up until today.
So even though you only decided to look at the game again when something worked to lift it out of almost dying, having your perfect admin might not be possible for its last days. Because the fact is, the current set up is the most worthwhile one to have right now.

As to there being numerous potential hackers, most of us have suspected a player or two of being suss at some point while playing, but it's usually nothing at all. And until you can pinpoint real hackers through all the mumbo jumbo, none of us can understand where you're going with all this crap and PB spasms, it's just bloody annoying for you to bring up our names alongside hacking.
Sorry but it just seems like you're being overly paranoid and grabbing for straws as to why PB should be turned on for your own benefit while the rest of us only want to have some fun games before Crysis 2, PB or no PB.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 10, 2011 2:56 am

so far the only fact you've provided is that PB is fucked and will kick anyone for absolutely no reason. Which contributes to the argument to having it off.

bit of hearsay about some guy teleporting in strength mode? sounds like lag.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 10, 2011 3:06 am

Well considering all that has been said here im glad that C2 is coming out not just that is different to wars but the biggest reason for me is a fucking killcam, I know it probably can be turned off but with the size of maps and amount of upgrades that you can get there really is no point.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 10, 2011 5:36 am

TraeliumFTW wrote:
bit of hearsay about some guy teleporting in strength mode? sounds like lag.

this happens when you change the walking and sprinting speeds...since it isn't in sink with the server there are huge warps of the players movement as the server updates the positioning data
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 23, 2011 2:52 pm

Oh well bury your heads in the sand the problem will go away soon enough.

No one hacks in Crysis ... anymore, and when they are just blame it on lag, easy fixed.

Strangely enough it doesn't seem to happen when Wounded is there, I wonder why ? It must just be that there is no lag when Wounded is on the server, being the only logical explaination given that there are no hackers.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyWed Feb 23, 2011 10:35 pm

there are no hackers, Ive played quiet abit and have never seen one on, neither is there lag problems, neither do people complain about lag, the server is running absolutely fine, much better now PB is off, now we have people who actually play, its gone from3 players to 12-18 players.

if you dont like it dont play, from what i understand you dont play anyways.
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 3:06 am

this is just getting ridiculous....
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 3:19 am

......fence sitting is great Smile
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 3:24 am

be careful it's not barbed lol
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 8:15 am

Oh well looks like I'll have to get hold of fraps again.
Perhaps then the truth of the matter will be revealed, after which I will have to once again change the alias I have been playing under.
Played under a nomad name a few times but players kept confusing me with Ava so I started an alias for Crysis, I have no idea why they would confuse me with Ava given my poor scores, but they did, hence the alias.

I don't even know if I will bother because even with indisputable video evidence, you guys who believe there are no hackers are likley to blame lag or my PC or fraps footage being of insufficent quality or you will find some other way of saying its not hacks, and that the evidence has been fabricated to further an adgenda in relation to PB which has been clearly abandoned several weeks ago.

@ Wounded, remove FTW from the server name and disassociate the FTW clan from the server and I will cease to continue posting as you put it "such crap".

QUOTE: "I also find it rather amusing that the ONLY person to be making hacker accusations is you,"

Why on earth would anyone else even consider attempting to report a hacker, when all they can expect in return is ridicule and character assasination, of course people are not going to be bothered to say anything when the current Admin of the server behaves in such a manner toward a former Admin with hundreds if not thousands of hours experience with the game.

Check the server logs and you will see the hackusations that supposedly don't exist, next you will be telling people that all the hackusations you found all originated from me ... well they don't, but yes I have made a couple including the suspect players name the hope that if / when you do check the logs you will see their names along side my acusations and keep watch for those players.
Oh wait let me guess, you still can't find any hackusations after a quick look at the logs, oh well saved you from making yet another post in that case.

QUOTE from Wounded's post on the previous page: "I didnt want to respond and this will be my last post on the matter"


@Tulzer, I hope you get splinters in your ass. Razz
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 8:33 am

id prove it but i wont because you wont believe me?
check the logs to find the hackers but if you do you wont find the hackers?
ner you said you wouldnt reply but you did your such a liar?

Seriously Troppo, you're a grown man...
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 9:29 am

Yes Trae, Growing old is mandatory, Growing up is optional.

QUOTE: "Seriously Troppo, you're a grown man..."
Trae, Are you going to post this in response to every childish comment ever made by anyone on this forum, if so you are going to be very busy posting similar things over and over, again and again in thread after thread.
Have you no sense of humor ? oh wait it's my fault there's no smiley, clearly you missed the point.

Just thought I'd add this again in case it was lost amongst all the text above.

@ Wounded, remove FTW from the server name and disassociate the FTW clan from the server and I will cease to continue posting as you put it "such crap".
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 9:34 am

TraeliumFTW wrote:
id prove it but i wont because you wont believe me?
check the logs to find the hackers but if you do you wont find the hackers?
ner you said you wouldnt reply but you did your such a liar?

Seriously Troppo, you're a grown man...

so he says, after reading all of this shit...... makes me glad im not associated with FTW anymore, for 1, i am not on anyones side im a free lancer, so my opinion on the matter is not biased


1/ troppo you buried yourself a massive grave with your last 30 post's. continuing that will not retrieve your pride

2/ you are a tulzer in the body of a old man, you go into the server only to find faults/hacks (problems) to be able to bring back some form of proof that the server is shit. i expect that from illicit, and what is the point, so you can play some, doubtful, maybe this is a reinsertion of power, and you've cracked a cranky and now doing the naughties.

3/ you are not going to win, PB will stay off because the rest of the community likes the decision, you are not part of the community anymore, if syler or lithius had a point regarding the server, it will be a diff story.


1/ you take PB from the server, resulting in a much larger community to be able to play crysis. Everyone is happy (BUT not troppo of course) but allows hackers throughout the server none stop, that only a SENIOR member from the FTW clan can see? lol

im sry, but a larger community with the rare occasion of a hacker, just so you can have power, even though you dont play, is pointless, and im %100 with wounded with this one sry, maybe if you played abit more through out the year, instead of not playing then thinking you still know what the community's needs are

but morale is high, crysis 2 is out soon

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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 10:41 am

ok i will have my say.....

i have experienced a few hackers since i started playing wars again....i dont know who they are but i just shrug and remember how boring it was to hack because it made everything so stupidly easy just as boring as that game u just hit the space-bar with or watever...

I hope it isn't anyone here but to that point i have removed crysis from my computer just because i find it makes me a bit angry and a game that should be enjoyable shouldn't do that.....i suggest others angry or disappointed with this games should follow suit....because if it makes you unhappy to play there is no point in playing it....

Now troppo is not me as a adults form as he is trying to help the server by making it more secure with atleast some protection because when he plays he finds thats others may be are all angry with him because you think it doesn't work, that it may take some effort to get it to work.....or that you've all heared this all b4....the fact is no body can properly detect if someone is hacking unless crysis was full proof and everything was server side, including player speed and weapon characteristics....which they arn't.....

There is no point in ruining a relationship between ppl that use to be and still should be friends...arguing is fucking immature so get over yourselves and how right each of you think you are......

The fact is with no current protection...ppl could be hacking....and since everyone knows this fact it gives them a good incentive to do so...

so where does this leave the server and pb for that matter....

well until you have some evidence that does not include a no scoped scar that kills someone 200 meters away....there will be no point in continuing this pointless will only fuel this issue until it get really out of hand...

Wounded does have the right to leave it off in any case as it is his server....but if any evidence does come his way of hackers on his server i hope relationships can be resolved.....same too if there is proof that there is no hackers.....

and from my experience i find that if you change the time_scale to 1 instead of 1.1....this will fix any ridiculous strafing issues and any lag issues that may or may not be on the server

but now back to fence sitting....this time on a picket fence Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 12:54 pm

I would like to add its only woundeds server cause he locked us out and changed the pass word because he had a little tanty over the whole PB thing. More like it was hijacked! Some of us were still up for paying for it as always. So if that makes it his well so be it. As troppo said take any thing to do with FTW off it.

Last edited by ARNY84FTW on Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyThu Feb 24, 2011 2:12 pm

Geez Boots, Thanks.

Just for the record You're glad your not associated with FTW or just Me in particular being that I am a "SENIOR" FTW member ? the exact same rank you held before leaving the clan, the rank as assigned by Wounded I'm pretty sure it was, a rank I neither wanted or asked for, but went along with anyway.

By posting on the FTW clan forum you are directly associating yourself with the FTW clan.
If you or anyone else for that matter truely wish to be fully disassociated from the FTW clan just simply make a public post and ask and I'm sure one of the other Senior Admins will be able to delete or disable your forum account, Unless you ask specifically for me to be the one to do it I will leave it to the others.

Go on Boots you can say it, say what you really mean Boots.

QUOTE:"2/ you are a tulzer in the body of a old man,"
QUOTE:"you've cracked a cranky and now doing the naughties."
So do you honestly believe that now Boots, that I am a hacker now and I have been hacking on the server ? really ?
I hope not as it is certainly not the case. I simply would not do it, no matter what you or anyone else would care to suggest.

QUOTE:"maybe if you played abit more through out the year, instead of not playing then thinking you still know what the community's needs are"
Well in response to that, I have actually played close to 60 hours of crysis over the past 2 months, largely under an alias but whatever, True I did not play nearly as much during Oct-Dec last year though I did still play the occasional game when I wasn't playing battlefield.

When It came to my attention that PB was the cause of a major problem for players, and that the previously documented fix that we at the time believed to work, was not working for many players,
What did I do about it, I chased the problems down found there to be additional locations where PB can locate itself and cause the problem, and I developed several work around solutions, and I eventually found a way to make PB work properly again, without the live ban streaming function obviously.

What did the rest of you do about it ? sweet fuck all is exactly what you did, and what the work I put into developing the fixes is worth now, sweet fuck all.

Once again for the record, There is absolutely no reason why PB can not be enabled on any server, the server can even be re-configured to automatically update client PB files for new players or those who do not know how to do it manually.
Which was incidentially the largest arguement for PB being turned off by Wounded in the first place.

Wounded is the only (former) FTW member that I am aware of that has shown any signs of a lust for POWER
I first noticed it quite a long time ago, before the "SENIOR" admin rank was introduced to the forums and should anyone disagree with Wounded's decisions they must be the one's who are "POWER HUNGRY" because Wounded always knows best, it's his way or the highway, as Wounded has demonstrated several times in the past.

Some of the better known events of Wounded excercising his ULTIMATE POWER over others include the locking out of all users and destruction of the forums, the posts containing deliberatly placed malicious code to black out and effectively disable all the pages of the forum in which Wounded had posted in order to prove a point to one FTW member, Switching PB off without even bothering to ask the FTW clan if it was OK to do so, and providing new admin instructions that still not a single FTW Admin has been able to use despite the repeted requests for assistance, and clarification on how to use them properly if they do actually work.

The FTW clan are not even able to Administer what was their server, why ... Wounded's long sought after adgenda to be the ONLY "all powerful" server admin.

As Wounded has already stated above, I have "absolutely no say in the server whatsoever," and neither does any of the other FTW members with Quacks being the only exception as it is still his name on the server contract.

So I ask why is the server still called AusServerFTW ??? The FTW clan have nothing to do with it anymore due to Wounded flexing his POWER HUNGRY muscles.
It is effectively Wounded's server, to do with whatever he and he alone pleases,

Now I could have been a total bastard and pulled a Wounded and switched the server off untill such time as he bent to my will as he himself would have done, had the situation been reversed, something that I could still do at any time I choose, even now.
But I choose not to be like Wounded and let a disagreement between the two of us affect the whole crysis playing community's ability to engage in that community and play the game.

Instead I continue to post the facts as I see them that Wounded and some others would rather have swept under the rug and never known about by the community.

I assume you locked the thread ARNY but I was in the middle of composing yet another post when it was locked so I have added it anyway, unfortunately people will no longer have the ability to publicly reply to what I have said, if anyone has anything further to say to me please send it in the form of a Private Message to me.

Just thought I'd add this yet again in case it was lost amongst all the text above.

@ Wounded, remove FTW from the server name and disassociate the FTW clan from the server and I will cease to continue posting as you put it "such crap".

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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?   What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? EmptyFri Feb 25, 2011 7:56 am

Yes i locked it. things were starting to get out of hand.
With Crysis 2 on the door step, i see no need for bad vibes between what were good mate's to run into Cry 2 over a server that is for all intense purposes OVER.
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ? Empty
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What did PunkBuster do for AusServer FTW over the previous 12 months ?

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