Hey all,
Over the past few weeks I've been working with the sandbox editor on my first map, it wasn't too hard and I have finally finished.
It is a dense jungle with a few scattered houses and bits and pieces, with a custom ToD created by Sasstraliss.
The nighttime is very dark and was created for using the flashlight which makes it alot more fun.
The only downside to the map is that anyone cloaking will pretty much disappear completely, which is shit as, but there's not much I can do about it.
There is a PS version in the works but I've been putting it on hold because I've been pretty busy lately.
If you want to have a game, it's up on the =|1Day| server but you'll need a 1Day member to switch maps.
My Xfire is: trioxyde
And, you can download the map from here:
http://pkhq.net//files/Forgotten_Forest.zipCheers, and I hope to see you's ingame